Viga has been producing a series where she looks at every single idol anime ever made! While I am not a part of this, I want to do better to promote stuff for my friends/loved ones/etc. since, well, why not? As such, take a gander and see if you enjoy these first two videos! In these, she looks at “Sasurai no Taiyou,” “Pink Lady,” and “Sue Cat!”

At the time of this writing, she has produced ten episodes and you can check out her youtube account HERE! And for the comic fans around here, she also does a series called “Viga Loves Comics” where she looks at more indy productions than what I focus on at Atop the Fourth Wall!

Back Issues!

  • Darker Image #1

    It’s only darker because you’ll turn out the lights so that you don’t have to read it. If you’re having […]

  • Ultimates 3 #3 and 4

    Ultimately tedious! Ultimately grating! Ultimately sex-crazed! If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave player, you can view […]

  • US-1 #1

    A realistic, hard-hitting exposé on the lives of truckers! If you’re having trouble watching this on the Screenwave player, you […]

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?