The History of Power Rangers travels back to the future… and then back to the present… then back to the past… then back to the present… then to the future again… The Rangers become their own grandparents and the space-time continuum is considered a suggestion rather than an outright rule.

Back Issues!

  • Mr. T and the T-Force #6

    I think at this point we can say that the T-Force is really just another name for Mr. T’s fist.

  • Nova Girls: Kissing Canvas

    A photo comic that makes you embarrassed for everyone involved… except for maybe the “writter.” If you’re having trouble watching […]

  • Trouble #1

    When you name your comic imprint “EPIC,” truly nothing signifies that better than… a romance comic. If you’re having trouble […]

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?