Good News, Everyone!


According to Newsarama, Blue Beetle’s going to become a back-up feature in Booster Gold!

Now, the downside to this is that the price will increase since they won’t be taking away pages from the main story, but then again I’m willing to pay the price for a larger amount of content.

So, for those of us who already think Booster Gold is awesome, we’re going to get Blue Beetle, too!

ALSO: Titans #11 was good.

Back Issues!

  • US-1 #5

    Reminding you that every single person who participates in a race cheats in some capacity. If you’re having trouble watching […]

  • Adventures of the Kool-Aid Man #2

    In which a living pitcher of sugar water says hi to Benjamin Franklin.

  • Batman: Odyssey #3

    This is an odyssey in that it feels like the dialogue was originally written in Greek.

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?