Sadly another episode delay to later on Monday. I had hoped to get the video done before Anime Midwest, but I could not and due to a flight delay, I didn’t return to Minnesota until late on Sunday night. I was thinking I could marathon the night to get it done, but a twenty-minute nap became a four-hour one and I doubt there’s enough time to get it up at 10 AM. Episode will be up later today, once again my apologies for the inconvenience.
Episode Delay
Back Issues!
JLA: Act of God Part 2
Our heroes – a bunch of whiney, self-centered jerks who prefer to philosophize pretentiously instead of doing something. If you’re […]
Web of Spider-Man #122 (Part 1 of 3!)
Marijuana Smoke and Funhouse Mirrors, part 1! Seeing as Halloween is just around the corner, I decided to take on […]
Star Trek vs. Transformers
“Captain Kirk has fallen! I, Starscream, am the new Captain of the Enterprise!”
Feelin'... lucky?