A pre-emptive strike


Since I’m sure people will be asking my opinion on the major spoiler of Final Crisis #6, I’ll just get this out of the way now. MAJOR SPOILERS behind the cut!

I’ve decided my expression of my opinion should be as cryptic as any Grant Morrison comic. As such, allow me to express my opinion about the death of Batman like so, and allow you all to interpret it as you wish.

Back Issues!

  • US-1 #6

    The comic that seems to indicate that this series will end with a killing spree. If you’re having trouble watching […]

  • Zombies Christmas Carol #4-5

    And, as Tiny Tim, observed… BRAAAAIIINS. If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave player, you can view […]

  • Star Trek: First Contact

    It removes all character and emotion and individuality. No, not the Borg – the dreaded comic adaptation of a movie. […]

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?