It seems popular internet celebrity LittleKuriboh thinks he’s sooo much better than me by posting about commissions for my title card artist Masterthecreater! Oh, but it gets better – he even has the gall to tell people to watch my show!


Alright, Fourthers… wait, do we have a cool name for my fans? You know, like how Doctor Who fans are “Whovians” and Firefly fans are “Brown Coats?” We need a name for us.

Anyway, to be declared fans of the show, here’s how you can sock it to him! First, go and see if you can help contribute to Masterthecreater’s goal of getting to America by getting some commission art here: His DeviantArt account!

Also, go and check out LittleKuriboh’s videos, particularly Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged! That way he’ll know who truly wins the internet!

Also: new episode on Monday and I’ll also post up a podcast interview and some video footage Angry Joe did for Youmacon!

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