Episode Delay


Sadly another episode delay to later on Monday. I had hoped to get the video done before Anime Midwest, but I could not and due to a flight delay, I didn’t return to Minnesota until late on Sunday night. I was thinking I could marathon the night to get it done, but a twenty-minute nap became a four-hour one and I doubt there’s enough time to get it up at 10 AM. Episode will be up later today, once again my apologies for the inconvenience.

Back Issues!

  • Dark Knight III: The Master Race #1-2

    Because at this point this continuity is just putting out direct-to-video sequels.

  • The Punisher #60

    So we’ve got this guy who shoots guns and kills criminals. What weird crap can we throw at him this […]

  • Strange Adventures #136

    I guess “Ludicrous Adventures” doesn’t have quite as catchy a ring to it. If you’re having trouble watching this video […]

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?