As Team 2 attempts to rescue their hypnotized comrade, Team 1 comes across a new enemy and an old ally!

NOTE: This video is no longer available in separate parts. Each post now contains the full movie.

Team 1 must discover which warrior to fight while Team 2 attempts to navigate without their map!

NOTE: This video is no longer available in separate parts. Each post now contains the full movie.

As Team 1 settles down to rest, Team 2 must do battle with the Cloaks!

NOTE: This video is no longer available in separate parts. Each post now contains the full movie.

Also, I’ve been on quite a few podcasts lately, so here they are (the embeds for one of the podcasts no longer exist)!

First up, I had the honor of once again being on Made of Fail, but this time with DC Comics writer Sterling Gates! We got to talk about the DC relaunch and other issues relating to the comic world, including the Green Lantern movie!

You can listen to the podcast HERE!

The two groups face their first obstacles on their quest for Malachite’s Hand!

NOTE: This video is no longer available in separate parts. Each post now contains the full movie.

Will the real Slim Shady please stand up… and throw this comic away?

If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave player, you can view it on youtube HERE.

NOTE: Just to put the kibosh on more comments on the subject, I have been informed of the meaning behind “Bluehairs” and “Coney dogs.” I have never heard either term used before now.