Podcast Monkeys

Or, in this case, the Monkey Brodcast, where I was a guest on this podcast. Posted below!

Go Go Power Ringers! Go away and never come back.

If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave player, you can view it on youtube HERE.

Liz and I recently took a look at the Happy Days board game! Watch us hang out at crack houses!

And Liz’s final thoughts on it:

J-Dub helps Linkara as he goes over this oft-overlooked gem from Sunsoft Japan: Batman for the PC-Engine!

Kickassia Commentary

So Nash, Obscurus Lupa, Phelous, and I decided to do a new commentary of Kickassia!

Why these people? Well, it was 4 in the morning and you’ll have to listen to the commentary for more information. Look behind the cut!