On twitter, I’ve been posting pictures of my progress in building a cybermat from Doctor Who since the toy version keeps getting pushed back. Here’s the test of it!

This week, Linkara looks at Green Lantern Corps #3, Justice League #3, Batman #3, Nightwing #3, Blue Beetle #3, Deadpool #46, and Wonder Woman #3.

Atop the Fourth Wall returns with a double feature starting off Secret Origins Month! Secret Origins Month 2011 begins with the origin story of Wonder Woman, wherein she wears ridiculous clothes, doesn’t know her own history, and falls in love with the first guy she’s ever met. Secret Origins Month continues with the Fantastic Four! Marvel at how they use their powers to cause as much damage to people and property around them!

If you’re having trouble watching these on the Screenwave player, you can view them on youtube…

All-Star Comics #8: HERE.
The Fantastic Four #1: HERE.

This week, Linkara looks at Green Lantern #3, Batgirl #3, Batwoman #3, Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 9 #3, Batman and Robin #3, Frankenstein: Agent of SHADE #3, Batman: The Brave and the Bold #13, Mister Terrific #3, Ducktales #6, and Darkwing Duck #18.

NOTE: My shop didn’t get Demon Knights #3, so I hadn’t realized that it came out. Will be reading it digitally when I have more time.

What did Linkara review for his second live show?

If you’re having trouble watching this video on the current player, you can view it on youtube HERE.