Linkara finally gives his (brief) thoughts on the Dark Knight Rises.

House of AT4W Live!

Another Live Show! This time… IN CANADA!

If you’re having trouble watching this video on the current player, you can view it on youtube HERE.

And, of course, there was a Q&A afterwards!

Hey, people! It’s Odds and Ends time!

Like the last few, to prevent people from getting spoiled right away on upcoming episodes, I’ve put them below the cut. However, since I also wanted to show off some of the awesome stuff I got at ConBravo (aside from a cold), I made it a video! Check below the cut to see the upcoming episodes, but otherwise here’s some other stuff that’s coming up!

You can donate any amount you choose to Vincent E.L. for a copy of “The Ballad of Linkara” at his website, Swenglish

NOTE: Another thing given to me that I forgot to grab was a jar of paper stars that a fan gave! Admittedly, not comics-related, but it IS still super-cool.

Upcoming episodes behind the cut!
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200th Episode

It’s Atop the Fourth Wall’s 200th Episode! What comic could be heinous enough for the position?

If you’re having trouble watching these on the Screenwave player, you can view them on youtube:
Part 1
Part 2

The final frontier awaits us…