Commercial Bumpers

People asked for it, so here they are – all the commercial bumpers made for the show! This also includes a Longbox of the Damned one that was produced but I was waiting to premiere during October. Since the Patreon ended the bumpers, naturally it will likely not see the light of day outside of this video.

Both virtual AND real brutality… on your eyes.

If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave player, you can view it on youtube HERE.

As Linkara continues to seek vengeance, he encounters the greatest ninja of all… PLUS: SAAAANDSTOOOOOORM.

SCI-Spy #6

The thrilling conclusion to the story that nobody cared about!

If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave player, you can view it on youtube HERE.

As with the last two years, Linkara does a live RPG session at Conbravo! This time, he’s joined by Nash, Roo, and Dr. Holocaust!